Q. 1. State that following statements are true or false.
a) RAM is a Volatile memory.
b) Scanner is an input Device.
c) CPU is the brain of Computer system.
d) WWW stands for World Wide Web.
e) LAN stands for Long Area Network.
f) DTP stands for Desk Top Publishing.
g) Pixels are many square on a Computer Screen.
h) Rectangle tool is used to draw circles.
i) Pasteboard is used to copy and paste multiple items.
j) Google is not a search Engine.
k) Satellite communication is a type of guided media.
1) Bluetooth is guided media.
m)G-mail is an example of web Browser.
n) The creator of adobe Photoshop is Micro Soft.
o) VDU stands for Visual Display Unit.
right answer hi batana.....
Answered by
true true
false false false false false false false false false false false false false false true
15 thank + follow = inbox
Answered by
A True
B True
C True
D True
E True
F True
G True
H False
I. True
J. True
K. True
L. False
M. False
N. True
O. True
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