Social Sciences, asked by poojakhandelwal318, 10 months ago

Q.1- Which one of the following is not a characteristic of minerals?
a. They are created by natural processes.
b. They have a definite chemical composition.
c. They are inexhaustible.
d. Their distribution is uneven.
Q.2. which one of the following is not a producer of Mica?
a. Jharkhand
b. Karnataka
c. Rajasthan
d. Andhra Pradesh
Q.3. which one of the following is a leading producer of copper in the world?
a. Bolivia
b. Ghana
c. Chile
d. Zimbabwe
Q.4. which one of the following practices will not conserve LPG in your kitchen?
a. Soaking the dal for some time before cooking it.
b. Cooking food in a pressure cooker.
c. Keeping the vegetables chopped before lighting the gas for cooking.
d. Cooking food in an open pan kept on low flame.
Q.5. what is the name of the mineral that is extracted from Bauxite?
a. Silver
b. Manganese
c. Aluminium
d. Copper
Q.6. Where did the non-metallic minerals are found?
a. Metamorphic rocks
b. Sedimentary rocks
c. Igneous rocks
d. None of these
Q.7. what is the appropriate source of energy for coastal area?
a. Tidal energy
b. Solar energy
c. Biogas
d. Wind energy
Q.8. what is the process in which deep wells are bored to take out petroleum and natural gas?
a. Open Cast Mining
b. Quarrying
c. Drilling
d. Shaft Mining
Q.9. what are the ways to conserve minerals is?
a. Recycling of minerals
b. Reducing waste in the process of mining
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
Q.10. Why the Petroleum is called “black gold”?
a. It is used in making black metal jewellery
b. The colour of petroleum is black
c. It emits smoke of black colour when burnt
d. It has immense value.

Q1- Aurangzeb died in the year
A) 1707
B) 1710
C) 1705
D) 1711

Q2- ______ was the last ruler of Mughal empire.
A) Akbar II
B) Bahadur Shah Zafar
C) Aurangzeb
D) Shah Alam II

Q3- _____ granted a Charter to East India Company in early 1600s in order to trade with India
A) Queen Elizabeth I
B) Queen Victoria
C) King George V
D) Queen Elizabeth II

Q4- _____ was the first person to discover a trading route to India.
A) Vasco da Gama
B) James Cook
C) Columbus
D) Thomas Cook

Q5- Portugese were first to discover sea route to India in _____
A) 1490
B) 1496
C) 1498
D) 1500

Q.1- What was required by the British army for fighting with Burma, Afghanistan, Egypt?
a. Muskets
b. Matchlocks
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
Q.2- After which war two sons of Tipu Sultan were taken as hostages by Cornwall?
a. First Mysore War
b. Third Mysore War
c. Second Mysore War
d. None of these
Q.3- The Maratha chiefs were held together in a confederacy under the Peshwa, Who were the members?
a. Scindia
b. Holkar
c. Bhonsle and Gaikwad
d. All of these
Q.4- In which year Vasco de Gama, the Portuguese explorer discovered the sea route to India?
a. 1498
b. 1497
c. 1456
d, 1435
Q.5-Who were the three powerful Nawabs of Bengal?
a. Siraj-Ud-Daulah
b. Murshid Quli Khan
c. Ali Vardi Khan
d. All of these
Q.6- Who was the last powerful Mughal Empire?
a. Akbar
b. Aurangzeb
c. Shah Jahan
d. All of these
Q.7- Which new power was emerging on the political horizon by the 2nd half of the 18th century?
a. East India Company
b. Indian Company
c. French Company
d. None of these
Q.8- Who was Bahadur Shah Zafar?
a. First Mughal Emperor
b. Last Mughal Emperor
c. Indian leader
d. None of these
Q.9- What do you mean by Mercantile?
a. Freedom fighter
b. Mughal Emperor
c. Business enterprises
d. None of these
Q.10- When did the sea route of India was discovered?
a. 1498
b. 1456
c. 1475
d. 1463
- Who produced first map of India?
a. James Mill
b. James Rennel
c. William
d. None of these
Q.2- In which part historians have divided Indian history?
a. Medieval, Modern, Colonial
b. Ancient, Medieval, Colonial
c. Ancient, Medieval, Modern
d. None of these
Q.3- What do you mean by Colonisation?
a. Conquest of one country by another.
b. Subjugation of two country by another country.
c. Subjugation of one country by another
d. None of these
Q.4- Autobiographies are account of people written by whom?
a. Historians
b. Calligraphists
c. By other people
d. Themselves
Q.5- At present about what Historians do not write?
a. How people earned their livelihood
b. What was produced
c. How markets came up
d. Kings and battles
Q.6- Who was the Calligraphists?
a. Write official accounts.
b. Are specialised in art and paintings.
c. Are specialised in the art of beautiful hand-writing.
d. Illustrate manuscripts.
Q.7- How did many historians refer British period in India as?
a. Modern
b. Colonial
c. Political subjugation
d. None of these
Q.8- What do you mean by Census?
a. Official enumeration of the population after every 10 years.
b. Official enumeration of the population after every 12 years.
c. Official enumeration of the people after every 14 years.
d. None of these
Q.9- Who was the last Viceroy of India?
a. Lord Irwin
b. Lord Canning
c. Lord Harding
d. Lord Mountbatten
Q.10- Which were not the sources of information of the British administration?
a. Memos
b. Reports
c. Notes
d. Diaries of In​


Answered by baski3d


Yes! Here is your answer!


Ans 1. An inexhaustible resource is one that is replaceable, while an exhaustible resource is not replaceable.

Minerals are natural resources and they cannot be replaced by man.

Therefore, the constant use of minerals at this rate will lead to their exhaustion. Thus, they are considered as exhaustible natural resources.

Ans 2. Karnataka is not the producer of Mica

Ans 3. Chile

Ans 4. Cooking food in an open pan kept on low flame will not conserve LPG in your kitchen.

Ans 5. Bauxite ore is the world's primary source of Aluminium. The ore must first be chemically processed to produce alumina (Aluminium oxide). Alumina is then smelted using an electrolysis process to produce pure Aluminium metal. Bauxite is typically found in topsoil located in various tropical and subtropical regions.

Ans 6. Non-metallic minerals are often found embedded in young fold mountains and sedimentary rocks.

Ans 7. Tidal power and wind power

Ans 8. Quarrying

Ans 9. Measures to conserve minerals resources are as follows: Use of minerals in a planned and sustainable manner, recycling of metals. Use of alternative renewable substitutes. Improvising the technology so that low-grade ores can be used profitably.

Ans 10. Petroleum is referred to as Black Gold. It is mainly used in the manufacture of various products such as pharmaceuticals, plastics, gasoline, synthetic fabrics, etc so it is called black gold. Petroleum is a naturally occurring element that is in a liquid state.


Ans 1. 3 March 1707

Ans 2. Bahadur Shah II

Ans 3. Elizabeth I

Ans 4. Vasco da Gama

Ans 5. 1495–1499

Answered by gamingfeverf803


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