Q.1 why does Venus fly trap eat insect ?
Q.2 what is stimulus ?
Answer 1.
The reason the Venus Flytrap eats bugs is because it's difficult for the plants to get enough nitrogen from the acidic, boggy soil where it lives. So the Venus Flytrap gets its nitrogen directly from the protein in bugs rather than from the ground and through the roots.
Answer 2.
In physiology, a stimulus is a detectable change in the physical or chemical structure of an organism's internal or external environment. The ability of an organism or organ to detect external stimuli, so that an appropriate reaction can be made, is called sensitivity.
What is stimulus ?
In general stimulus is something that provokes or causes any action or response.
In context to science,it is any detectable change in the internal or external environment,capable of eliciting a response in the organism or any part of the organism.
For example : For most plants, sunlight acts as an stimulus that causes them to grow or move toward it.
Why does venus fly trap eat insects ?
The reason why the venus fly trap eat insects is because it's difficult for the plants to get enough Nitrogen from the acidic, boggy soil where it lives.
So it gets it's Nitrogen directly from the protein in insects or bugs rather than from the ground through the roots.
Insects contain approximately 10% of nitrogen by weight, primarily in protein and chitin.
Insects act as a Nitrogen reservoir.