Biology, asked by 1939719, 8 months ago

Q.10 Name the following:

I. Part of the female reproductive system that receives sperms.

II. Hormones produced by testes.

III. Disc like structure that transports nutrition from mother to the fetus.

IV. Tube that carries the egg from the ovary to the womb.

V. Site of location of testes.

VI. Explain the role of oviduct and placenta in the female reproductive system.


Answered by attitudeboyharsh


The human reproductive organ that produces sperms and also secretes hormone is testis. The hormone testosterone is secreted which is responsible for the development of male secondary sexual characters such as body hair, muscles and bone mass.

b) i) Fertilization takes place in the oviduct.

ii) Implantation of the fertilized egg takes place in the uterus.

Embryo takes its nourishment from a special disc-shaped tissue embedded in the uterine wall of the mother. It is through this tissue that the nutrients and waste materials are exchanged between mother and foetus. This tissue is known as placenta.


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Answered by Tiachaudhary


I. vagina

II. testosterone

III. Plecanta

IV. Fallopian tube

V. testicles

VI. Ovary - They produce eggs or the female gamete. ... (ii) Oviduct - Carries the mature egg to the uterus. The oviduct provide the place for fertilisation to occur. (iii) Uterus - It nurturing the fertilized ovum that develops into the fetus and holding and supporting it till the baby is mature enough for birth.

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