English, asked by diptess, 7 months ago

Q.2 Complete the following sentences using appropriate active or passive verb f
Choose your answer from the given options. (10mks)
1) The problem
to the children (explained/was explained)
2) Those pyramids
around 400 AD.(built/were built)
3) All the trouble
by your mother (has caused/was caused
4) The visitors
-(were shown/have shown) a collection of old
him ten thousand pounds last year. (lend/lent/was lent)
6) She
of spider (frightened/is frightened)
7) That picture
by my grandmother. (painted/was painted)
by his atitude. Shocked/ have shocked/ was shocked)
9) Excuse the mess. The house
(is painting/is being painted/​


Answered by Aloi99


1)was explained

2)were built

3)was caused

4)were shown


6)is frightened

7)was painted

8)was shocked

9)is being painted


1)The problem was explained to the children.

2)Those pyramids were built around 400 AD.

3)All the trouble was caused by your mother.

4)The visitors were shown a collection of old manuscripts.

5)I lent him ten thousand pounds last year.

6)She is frightened of spider.

7)That picture was painted by my grandmother.

8)I was shocked by his attitude.

9)Excuse the mess, The house is being painted.


Answered by Anonymous

\huge\underline\red{\sf Answer :-}

★ 1.) The problem to the children

(explained/was explained) ★

The problem was explained to the children

2.) Those pyramids around 400 AD.(built/were built)

Those pyramids were built around 400 A.D.

3.) All the trouble by your mother (has caused/was caused)

All the trouble was caused by your mother.

4.) The visitors (were shown/have shown) a collection of old manuscripts

The visitors were shown a collection of old manuscripts.

5.) He him ten thousand pounds last year. (lend/lent/was lent)

He lent him ten thousands pounds last year.

6.) She of spider.(frightened/is frightened)

She is frightened of spider.

7.) That picture by my grandmother.

(painted/was painted)

That picture was painted by my grandmother.

8.) He by his atitude. (Shocked/ have shocked/ was shocked)

He was shocked by his attitude.

9.) Excuse the mess. The house

(is painting/is being painted)

Excuse the mess. The house is being painted.


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