English, asked by Anonymous, 9 months ago

Q.2. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

One of the greatest mysteries of bird life is travelling. Every year during autumn and early
winter birds travel from northern regions of Asia, Europe and America to the southern
warmer lands. They make the return journey again during spring and early summer. They
are punctual unless they are delayed by bad weather. They face many dangers and
hardships while travelling long distances through the air, over hills, forests, plains and large
stretches of water. Sometimes sudden storms arise and drive them far out of course. Ofter
they are blown right out to sea and are drowned in the wild waves. At night bright lights
attract and confuse the birds. They cannot fly at their fastest. The migration speed is usual
from 48 to 64 km an hour and rarely exceeds 80.

(a) When do the birds travel from northern regions to southern warmer lands and why?

(b) What danger do they face when they are flying over the sea?

(c) What happens to these birds at night when they see the lights?

(d) When do the birds make their return journey?

(e) What is the Migration speed of the birds?

(0) Which is the greatest mystery?

(g) Which words in the passage mean same as the following words:
() surpasses (1) secrets​


Answered by Blue14

1) because winter is arriving

2) Sometimes sudden storms arise and drive them far out of course. Often they are blown right out to sea and are drowned in the wild waves.

3) they were attracted and confused

4) They make the return journey again during spring and early summer

5) The migration speed is usual

from 48 to 64 km an hour and rarely exceeds 80.

Answered by Anonymous




a) Birds travel during autumn and early winters because the temperature decreases in the northern region.

b) The problem they face when they are flying over the sea is sudden storms arise and drive them far out of course. Often they are blown right out to sea and are drowned in the wild waves.

c) When the birds see lights at night it attract and confuse them.

d) They make the return journey again during spring and early summer.

e) The migration speed is usually from 48 to 64 km an hour and rarely exceeds 80.

f) The greatest mystery of birds life is travelling .

g ) secrets → mystery

surpass →exceeds


\mathscr{\large{Hope\:helps\:}}!! \\ \\  {GRACIAS!!}


Anonymous: Thanx :)
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