English, asked by sameerjagdalla, 13 days ago

Q.2 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: - 8 Marks

1. Parents play an important role in the personal and scholastic achievement of their children. Home is

the best place for education and the first school of the child.

2. One of the major changes in India has been the growing number of working mothers. Both parents

cannot devote much time to their children. As a result they find themselves incapable of inculcating

moral values in their children.

3. Most parents take active interest in the studies of their children only during examination days or

when the child does not achieve the desired academic performance. Similarly they do not have

sufficient time to motivate their children to take up co-curricular activities.4. Most parents restrict their responsibilities to spending money on their children .They should

understand that their child needs much more from them, besides paying for tuition fees. Providing

books and pocket money.

5. The first and foremost solution to this problem is devoting time to children. Parents should try to

provide a congenial and harmonious environment to their children. If parents display disturbed

behaviour, there is likelihood that it will badly effect the mental and physical health of children.

6. Moreover, parents should try to update their knowledge about the changing educational techniques

like use of computers and other audio-visual aids. They should ask for progress reports of children


7. They can further help their children by keeping a watch on their attendance, the company they keep

and the items on which they spend pocket money.

8. They should attend parents-teachers associations and counselling centres to understand their ward‟s

psychological and sociological and educational problems. Such exercises will help their offspring to be

physically healthy and mentally well- balanced. It also develops a strong family bond and gives them

ability to face the world. This, in turn, will shape them as good citizens, resulting in the decline of crimes.


a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it, in points only using headings

and sub headings. Use recognizable abbreviations (wherever necessary- minimum 4) and a format you

consider suitable. Also supply an appropriate title to it. (5 Marks)

b) Make a summary of the above passage in about 70 words. ( 3 Marks)​


Answered by remyapram


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