English, asked by om0065223, 1 month ago

Q.2 Read the story and find out answers: 5

A Great Lesson It was 6 O’clock in the evening and there was a lot of traffic on the road. Mohan was driving his

car when suddenly two teenagers on bike overtook his car and laughing, they drove on. Mohan applied the brakes of his

car in the nick of time. He was very angry but since he was getting late for an important meeting at his office, he ignored

the bike riders and drove ahead. He hadn’t gone too far when he heard a loud crash. A bike had crashed on the divider of

the road. The driver probably lost his balance. Mohan got out of his car quickly and rushed towards the accident. He

could see the faces of the victims. They were the same teenagers who had overtaken his car.

They both went were without helmets and were bleeding profusely. Mohan wasted no time. With the help of

some passers-by, he picked them up and immediately took them to a hospital in his car. He informed their family

members using one of the boys’ mobile. The timely treatment saved the lives of the boys who were ashamed of their

actions after meeting Mohan. Mohan forgave them and advised them to follow traffic rules as they are meant for

people’s safety. They promised not to drive until they were eighteen.


1. Who was driving the car ?

2. Why was he angry ?

3. What did he hear ?

4. What did he do when he saw them ?

5. What did they promise ?​


Answered by bsahiba123


They promised not to drive until they were 18.


Answered by XxMrSecretxX


1. Mohan was driving the car.

2. When Mohan was driving his car, suddenly two

teenagers on bike overtook his car and

laughing, they drove on. This made him angry.

3. He heard a loud crash

4. Mohan got out of his car quickly and rushed

towards the accident.

5. They promised not to drive until they were


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