Computer Science, asked by aryantyagi1906, 8 months ago

Q.29 :-Assume the following dataset is given: A= (2,2) B= (3,3) C= (5,6) D=(3,4)
use hierarchical cluster distance with centroid to create the cluster. Manhattan
distance is used as the distance function to compute distances between centroids
and objects in the dataset.


Answered by sonarreshmi


.32 :-Assume the following dataset is given: A= (2,2) B= (3,3) C= (5,3) D=(3,4), E=

(7,8) F= (6,5) use DBSCAN with epilson = 3, minmum point = 4 to create the cluster.

Manhattan distance is used as the distance function to compute distances between

centroids and objects in the dataset. Find the core points

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