English, asked by saiee151980, 1 day ago

Q.4. Analyse the poem given below
So work the honey-bees, creatures that by a rule in nature teach
The art of order to a peopled kingdom,
They have a king and officers of sorts;
Where some, like magistrates, correct at home;
Others, like merchants, venture trade abroad;
Others, like soldiers, armed in their stings;
Make boot upon the summer's velvet buds;
Which pillage they with merry march bring home
• To the tent royal of their emperor ;
who, buised in his majesty,surveys,
The singing mansons building roofs of gold,
The civil citizen kneading up the honesty,
The poor machanic porter crowding in
Their heavy burdens at his narrow gate,
The sad eyed justice, with his surely hum,
Delivering over to executors pale
The lazy yawing drone


Answered by paudelpratik12386



The poem "So Work the Honey-Bees" by William Shakespeare is an extended metaphor comparing the organized workings of a beehive to that of a well-structured kingdom. The bees are portrayed as diligent workers who follow a natural order and teach the art of organization. The bees have a hierarchy with a king and officers, each performing different tasks like magistrates, merchants, and soldiers. The bees collect nectar from the flowers, bring it back to the hive, and make honey. The emperor bee watches over everything and enjoys the fruits of their labor.

The poem highlights the importance of order, discipline, and hard work. The bees work together for the greater good of the hive, each performing their assigned duties without complaint. The poem also draws a contrast between the diligent bees and the lazy drone, who is shown to be punished for not contributing to the hive.

Overall, the poem celebrates the beauty and intricacy of nature, while also emphasizing the importance of organization and hard work in any society.

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