English, asked by hd2227249, 5 months ago

Q-4 Find out the correct sentence:
(1) Hybridization means crossing between genetically dissimilar plants
(ii) Cross between two varieties is called as inter specific hybridization
(iii) Introducing genes of desired character in to a plant gives genetically modified crop
(iv) Cross between plants of two species is called as inter varietal hybridization
(a) (i) 40 (ii) (b) (i) 4 (iv) (c) (ii) 240 (iii) (d) (iii) 10 (iv)​


Answered by s8983588874


ans is a options


The crossing between genetically identical plants to produce a new variety, that is hybrid is called hybridization. Crossing may be between two different varieties (intra varietal cross breeding), between two different species of some genis (interspecific crossbreeding) and between different genera (intergeneric crossbreeding). Genetically, modified crops can be produced by insertion of genes with desired traits by the process of hybridization.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A

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