English, asked by shankarbajgai1, 7 months ago

Q. 4 Use the correct form of Past Perfect Continuous Tense

in the following sentences:
1. They ……… the truth. (speak)

2. The train ……… fast. (run)

3. …….. Rajan ……….to Delhi in 2018? (go)

4. ……… I not………. there yesterday? (reach)

5. She ……..not……..the prize. (win)


Answered by maryamkincsem

1. They spoke the truth.

2. The train ran fast.

3. Did Rajan go to Delhi in 2018?

4. Did I not reach there yesterday?

5. She did not win the prize.  


  • The past tense is used to narrate an already happened action in a time before now.

  • The time of the action happened can be in near past or distant past, but it does not matter how long the action lasted.

  • The simple past tense is different than past continuous tense.  

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