English, asked by kavyaUdwani, 3 months ago

Q 5 Read the passage.^_^

** Good etiquette is behavior which marks someone as a cultured and

civilized member of the society. We usually learn manners from a very

young age. A person who lacks good manners is considerd rude or

uncouth, and he or she may not be at ease in many social situations.

****Q .Answer the following^_^ questions.

1. What is etiquette?

2. Find the word from the passage which means-‘ ungraceful, unrefined’

3. Make your sentence from the word ‘behavior’.​


Answered by yoginder522


Q1. Ans . Etiquette means the rules of polite and correct behaviour .

Q2. ________

Q3. Ans . Her behaviour is sometimes rather rough.



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