Biology, asked by 7405413342, 3 months ago

Q : 6 Mention the exact location of the following Structures or organs:

(1) Uriniferous tubule

(2) Pituitary gland

(3) Eustachian tube

(4) Palisade layer

(5) Organ of corti

(6) Pupi

l (7) Lenticels

8) Schwann cells

(9) Corpus callosum

(10) Fovea Centralis

(11) Loop of henle (

12) Ureters

Please help me !

Differentiate between the following terms:

(1) Peripheral Nervous system and Central Nervous system

(2) Conditioned and Unconditioned reflex

(3) Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia

(4) Purines and Pyrimidines

(5) Endocrine gland and Exocrine gland

(6) Transpiration and Guttation

(7) Light reaction and Dark Reaction

(8) Ciliary muscles and Suspensory ligaments

(9) Binocular vision and Squint

(10)Dynamic equilibrium and Static equilibrium

(11) Isotonic and Hypertonic Solution

(12) Endosmosis and Exosmosis

(13) Anabolic and Catabolic Process3.

Q : 3 Pick the odd one out and name the category in which the other three belong:
(1) Mallus; Tympanum; Anvil; Stirrup.

(2) Retina; Conjunctiva; Sclera; Choroid.

(3) Ascent of sap; Osmosis; Diffusion; Imbibition.

(4) Thylakoid; Stroma; Fret; Granum.

(5) Pericardium; Pelura; Meninges; Cerebrospinal fluid

. (6) Optic nerve; Sacral nerve; Lumbar nerve; Cervical nerve.

(7) Medulla; Cortex; Urethra; Renal Pelvis.

(8) Pancreas; Adrenal; Liver; Thyroid.

(9) Pulmonary artery; Aorta; Renal Artery; Hepatic artery

. (10) Prophase; Anaphase; S Phase; Telophase


Answered by vermashagun6



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