Hindi, asked by bhavikapurohit5, 8 months ago

Q:6B.Translate the given sentences into English,
1. बच्चे रोज शतरंज खेलते हैं।
2. जब मैं वहां गया वह सो रही थी।
3. क्या तुम उसे पहचानते हो ?
4. तुम्हारा भाई कौन सी कक्षा में पढता है ?
5. तुम्हे इंग्लिश कीन पढ़ाता है ?​


Answered by nikkishaikh60


  1. Children play chess every day.
  2. when i went she was sleeping.
  3. Do you identify him?
  4. what class does your brother study ?✏
  5. who teaches you english? ‍‍


Your answer is here

Answered by pavanadevassy


1. Children play chess every day.

2. When I went, she was sleeping.

3. Do you identify him?

4. What class does your brother study?

5. Who teaches you English?


1. बच्चे रोज शतरंज खेलते हैं। - Children play chess every day.

This sentence is in the Simple Present tense.

2. जब मैं वहां गया वह सो रही थी। - When I went, she was sleeping.

This sentence is in the Past Continuous tense.

3. क्या तुम उसे पहचानते हो? - Do you identify him?

This sentence is in interrogative form.

4. तुम्हारा भाई कौन सी कक्षा में पढता है? - What class does your brother study?

This sentence is Present Indefinite tense.

5. तुम्हे इंग्लिश कीन पढ़ाता है?​ - Who teaches you English?

This sentence is in interrogative form.


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