Q Certain plant vacuoles have hydrolytic enzymes. But unlike animal lysosomes they do not participate in turnover of macromolecules throughout the life of plant cell. Because.
1)Hydrolytic enzymes of vacuole become inactive with the age of plants.
2)At the time of senescence they release their hydrolases into cytoplasm and by autolysis helps in remobilisation of nutrients
3)Plant vacuolar hydrolases are not as active as that of animal lysosomes
4)Plants have more number of vacuoles as compared to lysosomes.
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certain plant vacuoles hydrolytic enzyme but the animal lysosome do not participate in turnover of macromolecules throughout the life of the plant because plant vacular hydrolase are not as active as the animal lysosomes
option C
- chemical factory of the cell where all destructive processes go on continuously is the lysosome.
- The lysosome forms a large number of hydrolytic enzyme. When the cell is infected or affected by any of the organism it releases a large number of hydrolytic enzyme which helps in the destruction of the cell and prevention of spread of infection from one of the cell to the other.
- as a result of this the lysosome is also sometimes known as a suicide factory of the cell
to know more about lysosome,
why lysosome is known as atom bomb of the cell? - Brainly.in
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