Math, asked by vk476743, 8 months ago

Q is father of A and B. X is mother of K. N is son of A. N is the only brother of K. X is daughter-in-law of P. P has only one daughter and one son. Which of the following needs to be true to establish that K is daughter of X?​


Answered by ankitanshyadav2003


As K's gender is not defined, K could be either grandson or granddaughter of Q.

grand son and grand daughter

Answered by EhsaanGhaazi

The answer is X has only one son.

There are four options available for the given question and they are:

a) B is unmarried

b) X has only one son

c) N is grandson of Q

d) No extra information is required


If it is true that X only has one son, we can claim that K is X's daughter.

As a result, Option b is the correct answer.


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