English, asked by abhinava4933, 10 months ago

Q. Taking help from the input given below, develop a complete story in about 150-200 words with the
following title, 'Where there is Love, there is God's
Outline: Martin....... a cobbler....... his son died.... . no interest in life.....religious man reminded that
Martin couldn't judge God's ways....... heard a voice........ "Martini Look out in the street tomorrow, for I shall
come".......... next moming an old man stood shivering in cold...... Martin invited him inside...... offered
tea....... no one came......... next morning a poor woman stood with a baby in arms..... Martin gave her his
bed......... food and cabbage soup..... Martin kept on waiting but no one came....... in dream.... first saw lille
old man....... then the woman with the child ........... Martin crossed himself.........the Lord had really come to


Answered by Anonymous

Where there is Love, There is God :-

Martin was a poor man. He was a cobbler. One day, his son, whom he loved the most, died. Then after his death, he had no interest in life. One day, a religious man came to his house who was Martin's friend. Martin told him that God is not good that he had taken away his son from him. Then that religious man reminded him that he should not judge God's ways. Then in the night when Martin was sleeping, he heard a voice of God, "Martin look out in the street tomorrow, for I shall come." That voice was coming again and again. Next morning, when Martin look out in the street, then he saw an old man who was shivering in cold. Martin took pity on him and invited him into his house and offered tea to him. But according to the voice he had heard in the night, no one came. Again, in the night, same voice came, "Martin look out in the street tomorrow, for I shall come." Then in the next morning, he saw a woman stood with a baby in her arms. She was shivering in cold. Martin invited her to his house and give her bed and offered food and cabbage soup. Then Martin kept on waiting of Lord, but no one came. In the night, he saw a dream. In his dream, he saw that man who was shivering in cold and a woman with a baby. In the dream, he came to know that the persons whom he helped was God. Lord had really come to him. Then he lived his life happily.

abhinava4933: It's an awesome story.
Anonymous: :)
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