Q.what is Solar Panel? Advantages and disadvantages of solar panel?
Solar panel
« It absorbs the rays that are coming from the sun as an energy source and helps in generating electricity
« Creates jobs by employing solar panel manufactures and industries
« Excess power can be sold back to the power company
« it can be installed virtuallu anywhere
« Devices that run on DC power directly are more expensive
« Depending on geographical location the size of the solar panels vary for the same power generation
« Cloudy days do not produce much energy
«Thank you»
Solar panel is the device which we keep • in sun to get some solar energy.
• Development and use of solar energy will not pollute the environment, it is one of the cleanest energy in today's increasingly serious environmental pollution, and it is extremely valuable.
• The sun shines on the earth, whether land or sea, whether mountains or islands, everywhere and recent development and direct use, and goes without mining and transportation.
• Solar radiation reaches the total surface of the Earth, despite being great, but the energy density is very low.
• On average, near the cancer line, in case the sunny summer season when the maximum radiation of solar radiation towards perpendicular to the sunlight area of 1 square meter of mid-day solar energy is obtained on average about 1000W