Q. What were two main sources of income of the Church?
Mainly real estate.
Here are some old reports:
The Vatican said its financial investments were hurt principally by the sharp and rather marked inversion in exchange rates, above all for the U.S. dollar.
The Vatican ran in the black over the three previous years.
Rents and other income from the Vatican's vast real estate holdings helped its finances, the report said.
The Vatican museums, which include the Sistine Chapel, a top tourist attraction, also helped the Holy See's finances. Some 4.3 million people visited the museums in 2007.
However, the costs of running Vatican Radio and the Vatican newspaper figured in a $22.9 million deficit in its media division.
However, the Vatican Television Centre and the Vatican Publishing House posted surpluses.
In 1981, Pope John Paul II ordered annual financial disclosures as part of his efforts to debunk the idea that the Vatican is rich.
The Vatican's annual Peter's Pence collection worldwide found U.S. faithful the most generous in absolute terms of the amount donated, giving more than $18.7 million.
It also received $14.3 million from a donor who asked to remain anonymous, the Vatican said.
This was 2007.
You can the "financial report of the vatican" for up to date info.
The major source of income for the Catholic Church is still donations--but it is spread out over thousands of institutions: the Vatican, dioceses and parishes.
Other institutions (religious orders, hospitals, schools) have other sources of income: respectively work by members, medical fees, tuition, as well as income from investments or would be a good source for some amounts
The major source of income for the Catholic Church is still donations--but it is spread out over thousands of institutions: the Vatican, dioceses and parishes.
Other institutions (religious orders, hospitals, schools) have other sources of income: respectively work by members, medical fees, tuition, as well as income from investments.
or would be a good source for some amounts.
, as is the case with every diocese throughout the
The major source of income for the Catholic Church is still donations--but it is spread out over thousands of institutions: the Vatican, dioceses and parishes. The major source of income for the Catholic Church is still donations--but it is spread out over thousands of institutions: the Vatican, dioceses and parishes.
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