Q)Write a comparative account of phylogenetic system of classification proposed by Engler and prantal and Hutchinson.
Explanation:Engler, in collaboration with Gilg, and later with Diels, published the works in a single volume ‘Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien’. After his death, the book was revised by followers in several editions and the latest (12th) one in 2 volumes in 1954 and 1964.
John Hutchinson was a British botanist associated with Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England. He developed and proposed his system based on Bentham and Hooker and also on Bessey. His phylogenetic system first appeared as “The Families of Flowering Plants” in two volumes.
Karl von Prantl was a German philosopher and philologist. He was born at Landsberg on the Lech. In 1843 he became doctor of philosophy at Munich Observatory, where he was made professor in 1859. He was also a member of the Academies of Berlin and Munich.