English, asked by bhumikalakhotra868, 5 months ago

Q1. Complete the blanks with correct forms of verb.1. It ____________ cats and dogs at 4 o'clock this morning. (rain)
2. I am ____________ on a project since morning. (working)
3. She _____________ for you when you arrive. (wait)
4. She _________(talk) to you and you are not ________ (listen) to her. This is really shame.
5. Erica _________ (compete) against Rosy in the race.
6. As she ___________(read) the book, Alice came.​


Answered by mickyvirus1433


1. was raining cats

2. working

3. was waiting

4. was talking, listening

5. competed

6. was reading

Answered by Vibexo


1) was raining

2) working

3) was waiting for you( not so sure. check your question again bud)

4) is talking; listening

5) is competing

6) read

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