Q1 Explain any 5 terms:
1 .Mutiny,
3 .Extremists,
4 .Khalifa,
5. Constituent
6. Green Revolution
7 . Census,
8 .Ordinance,
9 .Original Jurisdiction, 10 .Scheduled Tribes.
1.A mutiny is a rebellion against authority, like when sailors overthrow the captain of a ship . Mutiny comes from an old verb, mutine, which means "revolt," and a mutiny is still like a revolt.
2.moderates:The moderates were the early Congress men who led the Indian National Congress from 1885 to 1905. They were aware of the might of the British rule in India and wanted to protect the youth of India from the batons and guns of British.
3.If a person or group decides that fear, terror and violence are justified to try to achieve radical ideological, political or social change, and then acts accordingly, this may be considered violent extremism or terrorism.
4.Khalifa is a name or title which means "successor", "ruler" or "leader". It most commonly refers to the leader of a Caliphate, but is also used as a title among various Islamic religious groups and others.
5.The constituent assembly is an assembly of chosen representatives who gather to draft a constitution.