English, asked by hk925682, 4 months ago

Q1. Name the Part of Speech of each italicised word in the
following sentences, giving in each case your reason for
the classification:
1. He still lives in that house.
2. The after effects of the drug are bad.
3. He told us all about the battle.
4. Suddenly one of the wheels came off.
5. Mohammedans fast in the month of Ramzan.
6. He kept the fast for a week.
7. He is on the committee.
8. Let us move on.
9. The up train is late.
10. I will watch while you sleep.​


Answered by ankitabareth200787


Answer:1. Still – adjective; it modifies the noun waters.2. Still – adverb; it modifies ... 


Explanation:The after effects of the drug are bad  

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