English, asked by prasanjeetsinha, 1 year ago

Q1.Read the following passage carefully: (5 marks)
The cross cultural spread of English is unprecedented in other ways. It is more widely used than any of the other
colonial languages like French, Portuguese or Spanish. It even has a wider use than some of the languages associated
with international non-western religious traditions, like Arabic or Sanskrit. In countries like India and Nigeria English is
used at all levels of society: in local English, language newspapers and broadcasting, in public
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administration, in university education, in major industries, the courts and the civil service. Indeed with nearly 200
languages, India needs English to unify the country. Professor Lal a champion of Indian English who runs a well known
writers‘ workshop claims that in simple numerical terms, in a country of 840 million,‘ more Indians speak English and
write English than in England itself.. You know what Malcolm Muggeridge said; ‗The last Englishman left will be an
Complete the following statements by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below:
(1) The way English is spreading is ____________.
(a) normal (b) quite uncertain (c) absolutely unusual (d) unpredictable
(2) The use of English is ____________.
(a) as frequent as that of other colonial languages
(b) less frequent than of other colonial languages
(c) more frequent than that of other colonial languages
(d) hardly as much as that of other colonial languages
(3) In India and Nigeria, English ____________.
(a) has a general use
(b) is used only in the streets
(c) is used by newspapers and the people who read it
(d) in courts and civil service
(4) India ____________.
(a) has fewer English speakers than Great Britain
(b) has 840 different languages
(c) has more English speakers than Great Britain
(d) will be the last to have English as its language
(5) The word ‗champion‘ in the passage means ____________.
(a) topmost(b) supporter (c) title-holder (d) victor


Answered by HappyJohn

The answers from the passage is given below :

1) The way English is spreading is (c) absolutely unusual.

Line from passage : The spread of English is unprecedented.

2) The use of English is (c) more frequent than that of other colonial languages.

Line from passage : . It is very widely used than any other colonial languages like French, Portuguese or Spanish.

3) In India and Nigeria, English (a) has a general use.

4) India (c) has more English speakers than Great Britian.

5) In the passage the word 'champion' means (c) title - holder.

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