Q15 Why should elections be held regularly?
It is important to have elections at regular intervals so as to ensure that no government is elected for lifetime or then turn tyrannical. b. Elections allow people to participate in the affairs of the country and remain politically alter and vigilant
a In a a representative form of democracy people elect their representatives who in turn make laws and policies for them.
b. One of the key features of democracy is having free and fair elections which rather serves as the foundation for setting up a democratic system.
c. Such a system ensure that no government is elected for lifetime or then turn tyrannical, and that it brings about changes in the political leadership.
d. Such a system ensures that ruling opposition parties gets fair chance to compete, win and lose elections.
e. It ensures smooth transition in the government if, people are not satisfied with present government, its policies its way of functioning they can always elect another party to form government
f Such a system ensures that government is based on the consent of the people and makes political leadership accountable to the people.