Q18 a Which evaporates faster hot water or cold water?
* What happens when molecules are heated or cooled?
019 Where does water exist in the gaseous state?
020 ) How is a reservoir of groundwater formed?
10 What is the main source of groundwater?
Q01.D) Explain how snow and hailstones are formed.
1) How are clouds formed?
022. To clean their spectacles people often breathe out en glasses to make them wet. Explain
why the glasses become wet?
023. Take out a cooled bottle of water from refrigerator and keep it on a table. After some time
you notice a puddle of water around it. Why?
004. Suppose you want to dry your school uniform quickly. Would spreading it near an anghiti
or heater help you? If yes, how?
QPS. O What is the importance of water cycle?
m) Explain various paths by which water that falls on land as rain goes back to oceans
006. How will you show the presence of water vapors in the air?
07. What is precipitation? Does precipitation in atmosphere always result in rain?
Qus. How does concrete flooring affect ground water table?
020. What is the ultimate source of water? And why?
Q30. i) What is rainwater harvesting?
) Describe the method of rainwater harvesting.
(31.1) What happens when there is little or no rainfall?
i) How does the failure of rainfall affect people on the earth?
032. 1) What happens when there is excessive rainfall?
i) How does heavy rain affect us?
033. What is meant by the conservation of water? Suggest three methods to consene water.

Answered by
Q 19
Water exist in gaseous state in hydrosphere
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