Social Sciences, asked by pandurangmunje27, 8 months ago

Q2.B) Write geographical reason for the following statements:
i) The local time at Greenwich is considered to be the International standard time.
II) Canada has six different standard time.
III) Mantel is the centre of earthquake and volcanic eruptions.
iv) The earth is protected because of the Magnetosphere.​


Answered by paragvashisht4


local time ok please is decided with the help of noon time this is because the noon time is the same at any given longitude across the earth that is from the north pole to the South Pole.

this is safe or region of countries located on the same latitude our country is located in different longitude have different local tigers for any International coordination between countries the local time and Greenwich in England is considered to be the International standard time

Pasand Rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat this cause a time length of two hour from Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh to write conclusion and to have a standard time for refused the 8.30 is the longitude has been taken as a eastern time for the whole country.

the peace river area of BC is similar in that it doesn't change clock so it spans the winter of Alberta time and the summer on PC time the size of the country so being that it spends 90 degree of longitude and hence there are six different time zones in Canada their efforts to Eastern

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