Q2. Consider the following dataframe RESULTSHEET:
UT1 Half YearlyUT2 Final
Sharad. 57 83 49 89
Mansi. 86 67 87 90
Kanika 92 78 45 66
Ramesh 52 84 55 78
Ankita 93 75 87 69
Pranay. 98 79 88 96
Here, Names of the students are row labels and term
names (UT1, Half Yearly, UT2 and Final) are the column
labels. Answer the following questions based on the
above dataframe:
I. Change the row labels from student name to roll
numbers from 1 to 6.
II. Change the column labels to Term1, Term2, Term3,
III. Add a new column Internal Assessment with values
‘A’, ‘A’,’B’,’A’,’C’, ‘B’
IV. Add a new row for the student with name = Asatha
and marks equal to 49, 56, 75,58.
V. Delete the first row
VI. Delete the third column
VII. Rename Mansi to Mahak
VIII. Display 2nd row with all columns
IX. Display marks in Half Yearly and Final of all
X. Display all marks of students from Mansi to Ankita
XI. Display marks of Mansi to Ankita in UT1 and UT2
XII. Display marks of Kanika and Ankita in Half Yearly
and Final
XIII. Display first 3 records
XIV. Display last four records
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