English, asked by ngirdhar37, 7 months ago

Q2. It’s your grandfather’s birthday and you are not able to wish him personally due

to lock down. Write a letter to your grandfather wishing him birthday greetings and

mention how much you miss your grandparents. Also write how you are spending

Your time during the lockdown period.​


Answered by diyaexploringlyf

kindly write format own your own-

dear grandfather in this pandemic its really difficult for all of to go out but any how its for our safety. I  wanted to be with you on today's day of course i as i am not here is small poem by me as your birthday gift-

 One does not have to do anything to become a grandfather. It simply happens when your child has a child. It is up to you to decide how involved you will be in your grandchild's life. There is an inherent biological relationship but the emotional bonding between grandfather and grandchild comes only with effort. It happens when the grandchild sees that you are open to forming a relationship. It happens when you get off your easy chair and make the effort to see what matters to your grandchild.

hope you liked it....thank you

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