Chemistry, asked by PriyanshChangela, 7 months ago

Q2) State word (name) / words (names) for the following description: (one mark each)

1)The drying agent used for drying HCl gas.
2) A black metallic oxide which reacts with hydrochloric acid to give coloured solution.
3)The salt used for laboratory synthesis of HCl.
4) Two colorless gases, which when mixed produce a white solid.
5) The gas released when cslcium carbonate is treated with concentrated hydrogen chloride.
6)The colour of the solution used in fountain experiment before entering the round bottom flask.
7)The gas released when HCl (dilute acid) reacts with Ferrous Sulphide.
8)The gas released when sodium sulphite is treated with dilute hydrochloric acid.
9)The salt formed when Zinc metal is treated with dilute hydrochloric acid.
10) The cation formed when HCl gas dissolves in pure water.


Answered by katakamsaiakshay192


Sulphuric acid

copper chloride

table salt


carbon dioxide gas

The experiment is the fountain experiment and is used to demonstrate solubility. ii. The colour of the water that has entered the round-bottomed flask is red

gas evolved is hydrogen sulphide it can be identified by its rotten smell of egg. If dilute HCl is added to iron sulphide compound then iron chloride and sulphuric acid is formed.

sulphur dioxide gas

Answered by uddeshya161


AnswEr. 1 Sulphuric acid is used as drying agent to dry Hydrochloric acid.

2 Copper oxide is the black metallic oxide which reacts with HCl to give a coloured solution of copper chloride.

3 Sodium chloride salt reacts with sulphuric acid to give hydrochloric acid.

4 Hydrochloric acid and ammonia are two colourless gases, which on reacting gives ammonium chloride which is a white solid.

5 Answer and Explanation: Carbon dioxide is the gas that evolves when hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate react.

6 The experiment is the fountain experiment and is used to demonstrate solubility. ii. The colour of the water that has entered the round-bottomed flask is red.

7 Iron sulfide reacts with hydrochloric acid, releasing the malodorous (rotten egg smell) and very toxic gas,hydrogen sulphide. When powdered ferrous sulphide (FeS) is dropped in dilute hydrochloric acid(HCl) , they react, bubbles of gas are seen in the acid. A gas, heaving foul odor like that of rotten egg is involve

8 Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) gas is produced when dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium sulphide.

9 Zn + 2HCl = ZnCl2 + H2. As zinc displaces hydrogen from HCl, this a displacement reaction. Hydrogen gas is usually prepared in the laboratory by this reaction. When acid reacts with metal,a salt ,metal halide ,will be formed, and hydrogen gas is released.

10 In part because of its high polarity, HCl is very soluble in water (and in other polar solvents). Upon contact, H2O and HCl combine to form hydronium cations H3O+ and chloride anions Cl− through a reversible chemical reaction: HCl + H2O → H3O+ + Cl.


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