Q2. Write at least two folk tales in English related from each of the states - Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra highlighting the customs and traditions of the people of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra(eg. Marriage ceremony, thread ceremony, tonsure shaving, first food tasting of a baby, death etc).
'BAKUL' A famous folktale of MP
Bakul, a poor farmer, lived near the banks of the Narmada River. One day, while
tilling his field, his ox stood still as it hit something under the soil. He looked at the
earth and found a mud pot filled with beautiful, golden jewels. He thought, ‘Let
me take it home.’
But then it struck him that his wife may talk about it in the neighbourhood and
all the people would come to know about it. It was unlikely that she would keep
quiet about it. He thought that he should test her first. He covered the spot with
soil and twigs and went home.
That night, he told her, ‘Do you know that our king has donkey’s ears? That’s why
he always keeps them covered. Please don’t tell anybody about it.’
That was news enough for his wife to share with her friends. The news reached
the king’s court quickly. The king summoned courtiers and ordered them to find
out the source of the rumour. They traced the entire chain of people who had
been spreading the rumour - the washer woman, the washer man, the blacksmith, the guard, a courtier’s wife, a courtier, and so on, till they found the farmer.
When the farmer was brought before the king, he realised that it was better to tell
him the truth if he wanted to be spared from punishment. He narrated the whole
The king wanted him to show the pot full of gold. The farmer said, ‘Your majesty, I will show it to you, but if I don’t get anything, I will remain poor. Will I
get a reward?’
The king promised to reward him.
Next morning, when the farmer showed the treasure to the king, the king said,
‘You may keep all of it as you have been honest in disclosing all the truth.’
Explanation: folk tales are generally big