Q4.. (I) what "distraction "did Hafeez Contractor create on day ?
(II) would you have liked to participate in the "distraction "had you been with him?
Answer 1 ) Hafeez was always trying to do some funny pranks. One day he played 'Chor-Sipahi' with classmates for one hour distracting everybody from study
Answer 2 ) : It depends which month of the year it is. If it is not exam time, then such distractions and pranks are welcome once in a blue moon. But if it is exam time then study should be the priority
: Required Answer
(i) Mrs Gupta was one of Hafeez’s school teachers in the second or third standard, who saw his beautiful sketches in school and had advised him that he should grow up to become an architect someday.
(ii) She would often tell him that he was useless in everything else except the beautiful sketches that he drew. Due to this reason, she felt he should nurture his hidden talent and grow up to become an architect.