Q7. Name the process which
co-ordinates human efforts,
assembles resources and
integrates both into a unified
whole to be utilised for
achieving specified objectives,
O Management
O Planning
O Organising
O Directing
Q7. Name the process which
co-ordinates human efforts,
assembles resources and
integrates both into a unified
whole to be utilised for
achieving specified objectives
Answer: The process which co-ordinates human efforts, assembles resources, and integrates both into a unified whole to be utilized for
achieving specified objectives is known as ORGANISING.
Organizing is an essential function of management that generally implies a process that helps to coordinate people's efforts, assembles all the resources, and correctly integrates both into a unified wholesome which is further utilized for making specified objectives of the organization.
# The steps in the organizing process are-
1] Identifying the Work
2] Grouping of Work
3] Establish Hierarchy
4] Delegation of Authority
5] Coordination