que.- What are Economical and natural uses of forest?
What Are The Uses Of Forests
What Are The Uses Of ForestsForests play a major role in our life. ...
What Are The Uses Of ForestsForests play a major role in our life. ...Forests prevent soil erosion and floods. ...
What Are The Uses Of ForestsForests play a major role in our life. ...Forests prevent soil erosion and floods. ...Trees help to regulate the climate of a place. ...
What Are The Uses Of ForestsForests play a major role in our life. ...Forests prevent soil erosion and floods. ...Trees help to regulate the climate of a place. ...Some trees, such as coconuts and palms, help to break strong winds in coastal areas. ...
What Are The Uses Of ForestsForests play a major role in our life. ...Forests prevent soil erosion and floods. ...Trees help to regulate the climate of a place. ...Some trees, such as coconuts and palms, help to break strong winds in coastal areas. ...We get timber from more than a thousand species of trees such as sal, mahogany, teak, and rosewood.