Biology, asked by almasfj, 11 months ago

Question 1 A. Name the following : [5]
i. The number of individuals inhabiting per square kilometer at any given time
ii. The outermost thin sheath covering of neuron
iii. A condition caused due to the over secretion of thyroxine
iv. Only plant hormone which is a gas at ordinary temperature
v. Liquid part of the blood without corpuscles
B. The statements given below are incorrect. Rewrite the correct statement by changing the underlined word of the statements: [5]
i. Vasopressin leads to uterine contractions during childbirth.
ii. Cytokinin is a growth retarding hormone in plants.
iii. Nitrogenous wastes are formed due to breakdown of fat.
iv. Pia mater is the outermost layer of the meninges.
v. Ovulation is the process in which ova producing cells give rise to the mature ovum.

C. Choose the correct answer from each of the four options given below :
[5] i. The part that maintains dynamic equilibrium of the body
a. Utriculus c. Sacculus
b. Tympanum d. Ampulla
ii. A condition affecting growth of children showing dwarfism and mental retardation
a. Myxoedema
c. Cretinism
b. Dwarfism
d. Acromegaly
iii. Common gibberellin is
a. GA1
c. GA3
b. GA4
iv. Reabsorption of all the glucose and most of the water occur in
a. PCT
b. Waste product
c. DCT b. Loop of Henle
d. Collecting duct
v. Thrombokinase is
a. An antibody
c. An enzyme
d. A hormone

D. Choose the odd one out : [5]
i. Malleus, Iris , Stapes , Incus.
ii. ADH , TSH , NADP , ACTH.
iii. Auxins , Ethylene , Gibberellins , Acetic acid.
iv. Bile pigments ,Albumin , Water , Glucose.
v. Uterus, Amnion, Placenta, Allantois.
E. Rearrange and rewrite in logical sequence : [5]
i. Medulla oblongata , Diencephalon , Cerebellum , Cerebrum , Pons , Mid brain
ii. Induce seed dormancy, Withstand unfavourable conditions, Onset of winter, ABA synthesis
iii. Loop of Henle , Bowman’s capsule, Distal convoluted tubule, Proximal convoluted tubule
iv. Infant, Morula,Embryo, Foetus, Blastocyst , Zygote
v. Intestine, Liver, Hepatic vein, Hepatic portal vein

F. Observe the diagram and answer the following questions :
i. Label the part A and B.
[1] ii. Name the cells of pancreas that produce A and B.
[1] iii. Give the technical term for the cells of pancreas that produce endocrine hormones.
[1] iv. Name the disease caused due to insufficient secretion of
B. [1] v. Why is pancreas referred to as exo- endocrine gland?
G. Match the columns. Rewrite the matching pairs: [5]

i. Sympathetic nervous system a. Brewing industry
ii. Goitre b. Antibodies
iii. Gibberellic acid c. Renal medulla
iv. Loop of Henle d. Iodine
v. Lymphocyte e. Adrenaline

H. Give the exact location of the following :
[5] i. Thyroid gland
ii. Sphincter muscles
iii. Collecting ducts
iv. Placenta
v. Sino- atrial node


Answered by mahek020603
someone will have to spend the whole day to give you an appropriate answer :)

almasfj: just give the answers of whichever question you know please
mahek020603: Will you mark it as the brainliest?
almasfj: yes
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