Question 10:
Write an essay of one hundred words on the proposal to have an elected administration instead of an appointed administration.
At present in almost all the democratic countries of the world administration is appointed. If appointed administration is changed into elected administration it would be harmful. Appointed administration is efficient and impartial because civil servants and selected on merit basis. Elected administration would become unstable and elected administration cannot handle the administration effectively. Appointed administration is non partisan where is elected administration would become partisan. Elected administration would frame the policies on the basis of promises made at the time of election. In appointed administration policies are implemented without any political interference. There is full political interference in elect administration which is very harmful for the nation. Elected administration is very expensive. Elected administration lacks technical knowledge while appointed administration is better than elected administrations.
The proposal says that the administration should be elected instead of being appointed. This proposal would give rise to chaos if implemented. To handle administrative tasks, the executives should have deep knowledge of the nation, its problems, its future prospects and the various perspectives to approach them.