English, asked by rohitpagal7011, 7 months ago

Question 2. Look at the given set of pictures and using the hints given, compose a short story. Remember to give an interesting title and a moral of the story.
(Hints-a bird catcher, net, seeds, birds caught, old bird advised, flew together with net, mouse friend, bit net, birds free, flew away )​


Answered by itskleoirl


Title : " A Helping Paw "

Once there we're two birds flying and they we're looking for food, then when they we're looking around the barn they saw a scruffy little mouse with a handful of seeds in it's hands.And this gave the two birds and idea.

"Why don't you distract that mouse while I go steal its food?" said Big bird,

"But its rude to steal others food Big bird!" said Small bird,

"Would you rather have an empty stomach!? No you won't!! Now help me." Big bird said angrily.

Small bird sighed in defeat and flew to the little mouse.

"Hey there little mouse!" says Small bird startling the little mouse,

"Woah-..You startled me Small bird!" says the little mouse,

"I'm sorry about that friend.." says Small bird,

While the two creatures we're talking, Big bird stealthy walked behind the little mouse and grabbed the seeds right out of it's hands.

"Hey!! Give those back!!" the little mouse pleaded,

Big bird signaled Small bird to fly away,leaving the little mouse.As they flew away they we're caught by the farmer's net.

"So you two are the ones who are eating my seeds huh!?" the farmer said angrily as he shoves them both in a plastic bag, tied and placed it near the hay,

"I'll go find a cage for both of you, finally I'm going to have dinner!!" the farmer says happily,

"We're trapped!! How are we supposed to get out!" Small bird says as Big bird tried to peck their way out,but it was no use, they we're stuck there. Then they heard a squeaking sound drawing near.

"Guys! Where are you?!" said the little mouse,

Small bird abruptly says "Over here!!"

The squeaking stops and both of the birds saw a hole fit for the both of them made by the little mouse. As the two birds escape, Big bird shyly asked the little mouse,

"Why are you helping us even though we stole your food?"

"Because, isn't helping each other good? Even though you stole from me, it won't stop me from helping others" the little mouse briefly smiled.

This took me long to finish and I hope this helps! <333


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