English, asked by sanayamishra2912, 4 months ago

Question 3: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Long, long time ago there lived a Partridge under a tree. The Partridge one day decided to go to the fields and indulge itself in the food there. But it did not return for many days as it found the fields a good source of food.
In the meantime, a Hare came along one day and occupied the same dwelling which the Partridge used to live in.
The Partridge however returned from the fields having grown plump from the food. It wanted to claim the dwelling for itself. A flight ensued and the Hare was saying that the dwelling belonged to whoever occupied it.
Then they both decided to contact a supposedly learned Cat. So one day, they approached the Cat with their problem.
The Cat was a hypocrite and earned a livelihood by posing as a priest. It decided to take advantage of the situation. On hearing the Partridge and the Hare, the Cat said, “Sorry I cannot hear you from that distance because of age. Come closer and both tell your stories.”
They were fooled into coming near and as soon as the Cat could lay its hands on them, it killed them both and had a meal.
Give the meaning of the following words: (5M.)


Answered by shruthi52


indulge - to satisfy a desire .

occupied - to fulka space , time , position or to occupy something.

approached - to come near or way of dealing

hypocrite -a. person guilty of hypocrisy

lay- put down in position for use .

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