Question 3
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:
An owl is a bird. There are two basic types of owls: typical owls and bam owls. Owls live in
almost every country of the world. Owls are mostly nocturnal, meaning they are awake at
night. Owls are predators—they hunt the food that they eat. Owls hunt for mice and other
small mammals, insects and even fish. Owls are well adapted for hunting. Their soft, fluffy
feathers make their flight nearly silent. They have very good hearing which helps them to
hunt well in the darkness. The sharp hooked beaks and claws of the owl makes it very easy
to tear apart their prey quickly, although owls also eat some prey whole.
Owl’s eyes are unusual. Like most predators, both the eyes of the owl face front. The owl
cannot move its eyes. Owls are far—sighted, which means they can see very well far
away………. but they can’t see dose very well at all. Fortunately, their distant vision is
what they use for hunting and they can see far away even in low light. Owls have facial
disks around their eyes, tufts of feathers in a circle around each eye. These facial disks are
thought to help the Owl’s hearing. Owls can turn their heads 180 degrees. This makes it
look like they might be able to turn their heads all the way around, but 180 degrees is all the
owl needs to see what’s going on all around its. Perhaps because of the Owl’s mysterious
appearance, especially its round eyes and flexible neck, there are a lot of myths and
superstitions about owls. Many cultures believe that owls are unusually wise. Because owls
are nocturnal, some cultures associate owls with bad omens. The screech of the bam owl is
considered by many to sound eerily human, like a person screaming. However, owls
probably do not interact with the fates of humans at all. In fact, some owl species may
become extinct because of humans.
a. Answer the following questions: [4x2=8]
1. Mention any two distinct features of owls.
2. How is an owl adapted to hunt for its food?
3. Which are the two basic types of owls?
4. State any two myths or superstitions associated with owls.
b. Summarise the key ideas of the given passage in about 60 words and give a
suitable title.
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