Question 5 A section of people in India are still without food. Explain.
Class 9 - Social science - Food Security in India Page 53
Food security is faced by different sections of the society who either have lowland or poor land productivity or with little or no land.
Food insecurity especially effect those group that have lost ability to earn are produced due to natural disasters and who migrate from one place to another in search of livelihood.
Women in rural areas suffer the most due to malnutrition.
A large proportion of food insecure population constitutes of pregnant and nursing mothers and children under the age of 5 years.
In the urban areas the food insecure families are those whose members are generally employed in ill paid occupations and causal labour market.
Hope this will help you..
there is a problem of food distribution in india .
india has buffer stocks such as in punjab but there is a problem of transportation , these stocks do not reach those who need them such as in jharkhand.
peoples such as beggars , traditional artisans,landless people cannot able to buy the food because of lack of money.
there is also absenceof quality and proper diet people may have access to food which is rich in protein and other nutritions.