Question 6.
What do you understand by the term ‘a holistic and ecological view’? Explain.
Question 7.
“Are we to leave our successors a planet of advancing deserts, impoverished landscapes and an ailing environment”. Explain.
Question 8.
Is there hope for environmental enrichment in future? What is needed to bring about the change from degradation to enrichment?
Question 9.
“We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children.”
Margaret Thatcher’s words highlight the theme of the lesson ‘The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement’s Role.’ You feel very concerned about this earth which is being destroyed gradually. Write an article in about 100 words on ‘Save the Planet Earth.’
Question 10.
“It has been well said that forests precede mankind; deserts follow,” says Nani Palkhivala, ‘ Bring out the truth of this statement in an article of 100 words.
Explain the statement ‘forests precede mankind; deserts follow’.
Answer 6:
The expression ‘holistic and ecological view’ is a revolutionary concept that recognises earth as a living organism with its own metabolic requirements which need to be preserved. We need to take into consideration the whole earth from the point of view of its atmosphere and environment. At present, the earth is like a patient is in poor health. Its vital systems like forests and water are worsening and have to be brought back to health.
Answer 7:
It is a question mark raised by an international commission on ecology and environment. It is extremely pertinent as well as frightening. This question should actually awaken our inner conscious. Man’s so-called progress has taken a heavy toll on the earth’s environment. Deforestation on large scale has led to a cycle of floods and droughts. This has affected the grasslands and the croplands and they are rapidly getting converted into deserts. Their productivity is getting depleted year by year. They are fast becoming unsustainable. This means climate change and a hotter planet leading to the extinction of several species and low food production and scarcity of potable water. ‘Ailing environment’ will mean polluted air, water and soil which will make survival difficult for the coming generations.
Answer 8:
Though it has been too late, but as the saying goes, ‘Nothing is Impossible’. We can still hope that this environment enrichment is possible. The picture can be changed with only human efforts. We all need to become responsible and smart. There should be some restraint in the usage of natural resources. All the four biological systems need replenishment. Industrial pollution should be checked. On the whole, an awareness that we should leave the earth’s resources for the future generations is essential. People need to be thoughtful and sensible.
Answer 9:
Save the Planet Earth
Margaret Thatcher’s statement about our planet makes a very valid point. It is the responsibility of each generation to use the resources of the earth judiciously. Today air, water, soil, trees and rivers are being consumed or polluted as if there will be no tomorrow. The picture is dismal. The vital systems of the earth are deteriorating due to overuse and pollution. We need to practise sustainable development which means development that meets the needs of the present and preserves the environment for future generations too. We need to preserve the fisheries, forests, grasslands and croplands of the earth. It is equally important to control the growth of the population and act responsibly towards the earth.
Answer 10.
Forests precede mankind — because they provide all the resources needed to sustain life. Forests provide — food – shelter — material for building — raw material for industry. The present situation in India is grim. We are losing forests at the rate of one and a half acre per second which means 3.7 million acres a year. These are government figures. The actual loss could be eight times. Loss of forests is causing flood, drought, lack of wood, disappearance of wildlife. We need to plant forest at least five times the rate than we are using them.
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