Science, asked by Anonymous, 4 months ago

Question 9.
Explain the statement‘forests precede mankind; deserts follow’.
Question 10.
How are the biological systems endangered by human beings?


Answered by KhataranakhKhiladi2

Answer 9:

Forests help in nurturing mankind — man destroys forests so thoughtlessly that deserts grow where once forests flourished. Man destroys himself by destroying forests.

Answer 10:

The biological systems of the earth are fisheries, forests, grasslands and croplands. These are being fast depleted due to the uncontrolled greed of human beings. Forests are being lost at the rate of an acre and a half per second.

Answered by irfankhan9440


question. 9

Forests precede mankind; deserts follow'. ... Forests were in existence much before the coming of man on this planet. It is also true that if forests disappear, deserts will follow. Felling of trees and clearing of forests is converting our grassland and croplands into wastelands and deserts.

question 10.

The earth's principal biological systems are being depleted by excessive use. Over . fishing is quite common. Forests are being cut to obtain firewood for cooking.

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