'' Biology gives you a brain, Life turns it into a mind.''
With a monohybrid cross, explain the law of dominance and segregation.
- The dominant trait gets expressed in the first filial generation and the recessive trait appears in 1/4th of the population of second filial generation.
Monohybrid Cross : Cross considering one trait
Considering the pod shape, Inflated pod is dominant (RR) while constricted pod is recessive (rr) in nature. Chromosome 4 carries the gene that determines pod shape.
Parental Generation : RR rr
F1 Generation : Rr
On self fertilizing the offspring produced in F1,
Phenotype = 3 : 1
Genotype : 1 : 2 : 1
- We notice that the recessive trait that was lost in the F1 generation has resurfaced in F2 generation without any blending.
- Generally, a chromosome bears the alleles of a gene. During gamete formation, the chromosomes and thus the genes get seperated but the 2n condition is restored during the formation of zygote.
☃️ Inheritance is the acquiring of genetic characteristics or traits from parents by their offspring .
☃️ Mendel started his research with monohybrid cross .
☃️ Mendel observed that traits which were absent in the generation had reappeared in the
generation .
☃️ These observations led to the formulation of the Law of Dominance and the Law of Segregation .
It states that,
“ When parents with pure, contrasting traits are crossed together only one form of trait appears in the next generation . The hybrid offsprings will exhibit only the dominant trait in the phenotype ” .
- Law of dominance is known as the first law of inheritance .
- In this law, each character is controlled by distinct units called factors, which occur in pairs .
- If the pairs are heterozygous, one will always dominate from the other .
✍️ Law of dominance explains that in a monohybrid cross between a pair of contrasting traits, only one parental character will be expressed in the generation and both parental characters will be expressed in the
generation in the ratio 3:1 .
✍️ The one which is expressed in the generation is called the dominant trait and the one which is suppressed is called a recessive trait .
✍️ In simple words, the law of dominance states that recessive traits are always dominated or masked by the dominant trait . This law can be described by Mendel’s experiment .
✍️ A monohybrid cross is a cross between the two monohybrid traits [TT and tt] . Here plants which have the same characters, but differ in only one character were crossed .
- The cross-pollination of tall and dwarf plants resulted in tall plants and the offspring were called
progeny .
✯ He then continued his experiment with self-pollination of progeny plants . This resulted in both tall and short plants in the ratio of 3:1 which gave rise to the law of segregation .
It states that,
“ During the formation of gamete, each gene separates from each other so that each gamete carries only one allele for each gene ” .
- Law of segregation is the second law of inheritance .
✨ This law explains that the pair of alleles segregate from each other during meiosis cell division (gamete formation), so that only one allele will be present in each gamete .
✨ In a monohybrid cross, both the alleles are expressed in the generation without any blending .
✨ Thus, the law of segregation is based on the fact that each gamete contains only one allele .
☞ This law is based on four basic concepts :-
- A gene exists in more than one form of an allele .
- When gametes are produced by meiosis, the allelic pairs separate, leaving each gamete with a single allele .
- Every organism inherits two alleles for each trait .
- The two alleles of a pair are different, i.e. one is dominant and one is recessive .