Question text
In Base-Plus-Index Addressing Mode, MOV [BX+DI], CL ; move contents of CL into DS:BX+DI where BX=4 and DI=2, what will be the memory location DS?
Efficient software development for the microprocessor requires a complete familiarity with the addressing modes employed by each instruction. These are
1. Data addressing modes,
2. Memory addressing modes, and
3. Stack addressing.
The data-addressing modes include ;
1. register,
2. immediate,
3. direct,
4. register indirect,
5. base plus-index,
6. register relative, and
7. base relative-plus-index
in the 8086 through the 80286 microprocessor. The 80386 and above also
8. include scaled-index
mode of addressing memory data.
The program memory-addressing modes include
1. program relative,
2. direct, and
3. indirect.
The operation of the stack memory is explained so that the PUSH and POP instructions are understood.
3. Data-Addressing Modes