Why are there no astrological influences caused by stars and galaxies - Explain in brief.
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Why are there no astrological influences caused by stars and galaxies - Explain in brief?
There are astrological Influences far away in other galaxies which cant Reach to our galaxy[not even in our Solar System] and We can See earth is placed at a perfect Place as it getd sunlight, It has Water, It has Moon to revolve which keeps us up-to-date about The Years™ and we dont have any Super-planet Collision near us.
Stars Too when they are born Generate alot of ENERGY which could affect nearby Solar Systems but Near us[Solar System] Nothin like that occurs,But we Do have Some Problems like,Asteroids have been a Major Problem as they visit us and even have a slight chance of them Striking the Earth To generate Alot of Force,This force is Enough to Wipeout Humans[Just like it did With dinosaurs]
Space Is full of Mysteries and Yet,There are more things to be seen and solved, We can't be reliable on what we Are listening or watching,Some Theories could possibly be wrong? and Some wrong Theories right?
What is Astrology ?
It is the study of celestial bodies like stars and planets. The astrologers claim thatthese stars and planets affect the mood, personality, environment and the situation around a person.
So, your question here is halfly wrong, because because stars help in the influence made by the astrologers. The group of stars that make a sign are referred as constellations and these constellations are are basically known as zodiac signs in astrology.
There 12 constellations or zodiac signs. Let's name them.
- Aries ( मेष )
- Taurus ( वृषभ )
- Gemini ( मिथुन )
- Cancer ( कर्क )
- Leo ( सिंह )
- Virgo ( कन्या )
- Libra ( तुला )
- Scorpio ( वृश्चिक )
- Sagittarius ( धनु )
- Capricorn ( मकर )
- Aqarius ( कुंभ )
- Pisces ( मीन )
Basically there are 13 constellations but the astrologers 13th one which is Ophiuchus.
The movement of these 12 constellations and the movement of the planets affects the life of a person, according to astrologers.
Now, galaxies does not cause any astronomical influences because we have never reached any other galaxies. We live in a galaxy named milky way, in a solar system. We have till now not gone out of our solar system and not even our galaxy. The galaxies cannot be seen even by telescopes. This is the reason why astronomical influencers arendt caused by galaxies.
Galaxies are basically large and flat spinning disc with many spiral arms. These disc and spiral arms are made up of millions and billions of stars, dust, gas and many other things.
Stars are very big burning balls very far away from the Earth which can be seen as a luminous small point of light from the surface of the earth.