Social Sciences, asked by itzheatless, 8 months ago


You were waiting at Terminal 4 of Indira Gandhi International Airport to board your flight. Suddenly several masked men entered and started shooting indiscriminately. In no time security personal overpowered the men. Write a report in about 150 -200 words on the incident for the local newspaper. You are Karan, special Correspondent for TOI.

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Answered by rathoreanushka92



The Basic principles of the tourism are as follows:

Collaborate: We can achieve more by working in a group than working alone. Working in a group is very important as it not only helps to develop local support,  but also tourism requires resources that one organisation cannot provide. The  success of the industry depends on the contribution of the government business  class people tour operator craftsmen artists and many people in order to enhance  the tourism in the country.

Regional groups are also helps to enhance tourism. Cooperating in a local

arrangement help us to increase pool resources, regional themes, save money and  expand our marketing potential. These resources incorporate not only money for  advertising campaigns, but also facilities or expertise in tourism, maintenance, the  arts or another area.  Find the Fit: To take care of the needs of the local people and the tourist is  significant to make sure that tourism provides benefits to everybody. It is  necessary to realize the kind and amount of tourism that your society can handle.  It is very true that the local priorities fluctuate. So do local capabilities. In simple  words we can say that, local circumstances decide that what is the need of the area  and the tourism. Programs that succeed have wide confined recognition and meet  local needs. They are practical, depends on the talents of particular people in  addition to particular attractions, accommodations, and sources of support and  interest.

One of the reasons that why tourism is growing in India is that travellers are  looking for experiences that are distinct and not homogenized. They want to  experience the beauty of the particular place. You can form your tourism program  on the basis of what is suitable and good for area.

Are there certain times of year or certain places they do not want to share?

Can you accommodate group tours? Do sites accommodate at least forty

people at once with amenities such as restrooms, snacks, and a seating area?

Can you accommodate visitors with disabilities or special needs?

Do the residents of your area want tourism?

How will tourism revenues improve life in your area and affect services such

as fire and police protection?

What is the maximum number of cars or buses your area can handle? On

roads? In parking lots?

Why do they want it?

Make Sites and Programs Come Alive: Interpreting sites is very significant, and  so as to make the meaning innovative and exciting. Find methods to take the  attention of the visitor’s five senses as you can, because the more they are  involved, the more they will hold.  

Travel and Tourism

On average, visitors will remember:

10% of that tourist HEAR

30% of that tourist READ

50% of that they SEE

90% of that tourist DO

z Focus on Quality and Authenticity: Quality is an important element for all

tourism, and authenticity is important whenever we talk about the heritage or  history. The true and the exciting stories place is the worth telling. The story of the prior  generation’s authentic contribution to the history and culture of the place is the  one that will interest tourist, as it distinguishes the place from other places on  earth. Its authenticity adds real value and appeal. By doing the job right and by  focusing on the quality and the authenticity you can give your area the competitive edge.  Preserve and Protect: A community’s historic, cultural, and natural resources are  important and often unique.  

Answered by ItzManish987


hello mannat sis

Me manish hu

Mujhe bhul gyi kya (╥_╥)

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