1. At the moment of releasing the
balls, which energy do the balls
2. As the balls roll down which energy
is converted into which other form
of energy?
3. Why do the balls cover the same
distance on rolling down?
4. What is the form of the eventual
total energy of the balls?
5. Which law related to energy does
the above activity demonstrate ?
Find five rational numbers between 2/3 and 4/3.10...on 24 October 1945India is regionally divided into States (and Union Territories) and each State has a Chief Minister who is the leader of the party or political alliance that has won a majority in the regional elections otherwise known as State Assembly Elections that exercises executive powers in that State.8..Vice-PresidentThe maximum membership of the House allotted by the Constitution of India is 552 (Initially, in 1950, it was 500). Currently, the house has 543 seats which are made up by the election of up to 543 elected members and at a maximumWhen the news reached him Brigadier-General Dyer, headed to the Bagh with his troops. He entered the Bagh, deployed his troops and ordered them to open fire without giving any warning. People rushed to the exits but Dyer directed his soldiers to fire at the exit(1) Emancipation of women (2) Removal of caste distinction and (3) Abolition of untouchability.The last Mughal emperor, Bahadur Shah II, also known as Zafar, died in a British prison in Burma in 1862.The maximum membership of the House allotted by the Constitution of India is 552 (Initially, in 1950, it was 500). Currently, the house has 543 seats which are made up by the election of up to 543 elected members and at a maximumWhen the news reached him Brigadier-General Dyer, headed to the Bagh with his troops. He entered the Bagh, deployed his troops and ordered them to open fire without giving any warning. People rushed to the exits but Dyer directed his soldiers to fire at the exitThe maximum membership of the House allotted by the Constitution of India is 552 (Initially, in 1950, it was 500). Currently, the house has 543 seats which are made up by the election of up to 543 elected members and at a maximumWhen the news reached him Brigadier-General Dyer, headed to the Bagh with his troops. He entered the Bagh, deployed his troops and ordered them to open fire without giving any warning. People rushed to the exits but Dyer directed his soldiers to fire at the exitThe maximum membership of the House allotted by the Constitution of India is 552 (Initially, in 1950, it was 500). Currently, the house has 543 seats which are made up the news reached him Brigadier-General Dyer, headed to the Bagh with his troops. He entered the Bagh, deployed his troops and ordered them to open fire without giving any warning. People rushed to the exits but Dyer directed his soldiers to fire at the exit(1) Emancipation of women (2) Removal of caste distinction and (3) Abolition of untouchability.The last Mughal emperor, Bahadur Shah II, also known as Zafar, died in a British prison in Burma in 1862.When the