Psychology, asked by tejaswini1108, 7 months ago

questions to ask in an interview based on work- lifestyle ​


Answered by aarunya78

Work-life balance is a major priority for many of us, but finding a company that actively supports that goal can be challenging. How can you evaluate the work-life balance an employer offers without raising a red flag? In addition to specific questions you can ask during the interview, there are several helpful steps you can take before you even apply.


To begin, determine how you define work-life balance in your own life. Does it mean being home for dinner with your family every night? Working long hours if needed, but being able to spend an extended lunch hour at the gym most days? Not being expected to check email after a certain time or on weekends?

Write down what matters to you and then prioritize everything on your list. Identify which items are absolute deal breakers and which you might be willing to compromise on. Knowing what you want will help keep you grounded and save you from investing your time applying for a position that may be the wrong fit.


During your job search, carefully read job descriptions, looking for more than just a match between your skills and the job requirements. A phrase such as “a willingness to work long hours and weekends” is a pretty obvious indication that the position will require a lot of your time. Words such as “fast-paced” and “competitive environment” can be signals as well.

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