Accountancy, asked by darshan3330, 8 months ago

R तथा S एक फर्म में समान साझेदार हैं। 31 दिसम्बर, 2017 को उनके चिढ़े के सम्पत्ति पक्ष में सम्पत्तियाँ
15,000 रु. थी तथा दायित्व पक्ष में R की पूँजी 9,000 रु.,Sकी पूँजी 4,000 रु. तथा सामान्य संचय 2,000 रु.
था। उन्होंने फर्म का विघटन किया। सम्पत्तियों से 11,000 रु. वसूल हुए। R को समापन का कार्य सम्पन्न करने
हेतु उस रकम का 10% पारिश्रमिक मिलेगा जो अन्तिम रूप से सम्पत्ति की वसूली पर होगा । फर्म की पुस्तकें बंद


Answered by Anonymous


  1. he eyeusjeit and f a because I have to get 45 the very best to you are not in a donkey Kong and Singapore to the very cool the contraction the very best in your father is the very cool and the RR the product by the way you yesterday the YouTube video e the YouTube video e the very best in the YouTube video e a jaaye the product of the following URL to help the product is the biggest thing is the biggest and your f a merchant head rupees for the YouTube account password i the very cool the contraction of tea and your f tumhari chhori the product by a jaaye a donkey and f tumhari fat in yourself ei a really good i the YouTube account name and password for your father and mother and f w i and your father is very good boy bus
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